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Thanks for reading, Nancy. The gift guide is one of my favorite things to work on and I work on it all year long. I'm glad you find it useful!

Wow. Margaret, you have solved my holiday gift-giving conundrum. Thanks! And just in case anyone is listening, a slice of Goodway Gourmet Rum Cake might wash down well with a cuppa Kahs Hills' Sunday Morning 210 Tea.

I really enjoy your writing.

Thanks for reading, Mitch. I've heard good things about The Angry Garlic but haven't been there yet myself. It's on my "restaurants to visit" list. Enjoy!

I've been to the sweets store before but forgot about it until seeing the newsletter earlier today. I also didn't know about Angry Garlic; I'll have to think about that one a bit more. I like garlic flavored things but I'm not sure I want to get overwhelmed by it.

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