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Thank you so much for sharing your memories! You are right - restaurants like Tubbert's don't exist anymore, in Syracuse or anywhere else, it seems.

My father worked at Carrier and lived in Syracuse during the early 40's and then moved to Johnson City when he was hired by IBM (Big Blue). My sister was born in Syracuse and I was born in Johnson City. While growing up in the fifties my mom and dad would (about 4 or 5 times a year) take my sister and me on the two hour drive up to Syracuse to eat dinner at Tubbert's. To this day I can still vividly recall the warm yet elegant dining on both floors in the varied and relatively small dining rooms. In the sixties my sister and I went off to college, my parents moved to Raleigh, NC and we never again went to Tubbert's, but the memory of eating there has stayed with me my whole life. I always tried to find Tubbert's when ever I went to Syracuse but never did...now I know why. It's truly sad that people today will never enjoy the wonderful experience of dining at Tubbert's (or any restaurant like it) as they must now be relegated to Applebee's and Olive Garden type dining Thanks for your article.

Awww - thank you! David is such a nice man and he really inspired me. I love making use of the Onondaga County Public Library historic newspaper databases - it's easy to get lost there. Thank you for being a reader!

Love this post, Margaret!

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