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Yes! Thanks for visiting, Robin.

Can't forget about half moon cookies, also from Utica I believe!

Hi, Wanda --
I am also a St. Bonaventure grad. Maybe Shannon Glazer will add Cuba Cheese to her Food Regions of New York State map. Whaddaya think?
Thanks for visiting.

When I was an undergrad at Bonas in the late 80s/early 90s I wrote a statistics paper that I eventually turned into an article for our magazine class on the word "pop" vs. "soda." I took an informal poll of students to see which word they used and what part of NY state (or another state) they were from. And, yes it was all those Western New Yorkers that used "pop." LOL. One of the professors I worked for used to have a mini refrigerator in his office full of "pop." Funny thing is when I lived in the South after graduation, everyone down there called all soda "coke" even if it wasn't Coke.

Hi, Patti --
Glad you visited! I love this map, too. Shannon is a genius! Re Cornell chicken: Love that, too! Have you ever been to the Brooks Chicken BBQ in Oneonta mentioned on the map? Rumor has it that it has the largest BBQ pit in the Northeast. I'm not sure if it's BBQ-sauce style chicken or more unadorned, like the Cornell chicken. All I can say is: ROAD TRIP!!

I love this map. My favorite local food is Cornell Chicken or is it State Fair Chicken?

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