« 'Tis the season to make, bake and take | Main | Drumroll, please: And the winner is... »



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Hi, Jill --

Nice to see you here! You are in.


These look yummy...Nancy F. told me about your blog and tried out the American Cafe down near DeRuyter last spring. It was quite quaint and a nice ride!

Good Morning, Lisa, Linda, Nancy and Amber --

Four more visitors and four more names in the hat! Stay tuned for an announcement of a winner later.



I started to bake, but before I started the 2nd recipe, I noticed that the cookie monsters in my house had gobbled up the first batch. . . I would love to get a variety (from you!) Thanks.

Cookies? Did someone say cookies?? I'm in!

Margaret cookies? YES!

Pick me! Pick me! I'd be happy to take those beautiful - and, I'm sure, tasty - cookies off your hands!!

But Claire ... some of the best cookies are plain cookies! Thanks for stopping by. Merry Christmas to all the Dunns!

Margaret, I wish I could make beautiful Christmas cookies. Sadly, they are plain at best. I hold your abilities in high regard.

Amber and Beau -- You are in. Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back often!


Yum!!!! Please enter me. :-)

I would love to win a few holiday cookies - having to start baking a bunch for the local Catholic Charities.

Dear Peggy, Seth, MJ, Gina -- Thanks for visiting, and for the compliments!

Peggy, I promise you Bailey has not licked any cookies. That was Buster's thing (RIP, Buster).


PS: Janet entered to win on the wrong blog post, but I'm including her anyway. Stay tuned.

I'm always looking for cookies. I would love them, as long as Bailey didn't lick them first.

We know these cookies will live up to the initials of their maker... Gives a whole new meaning to MMmm... Happy holidays Margaret!

Please enter me in the cookie contest. I know how good your cookies are.


Hi, Elizabeth and Trisha --

You're in! Tossing your names in the hat. Early entry doesn't have any advantages, except I'm glad you two were the first to stop by!



Cookies please! I've eaten all of mine already and it's not even Christmas. I need a cover-up!

OK Margaret - if I'm the first entrant, does that give me an advantage in your drawing? Oh how I admire your tweeted kitchen abilities! And oh how I would love to win your cookies!


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