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Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts, Mary!

I absolutely agree. The event is "Taste of SYRACUSE," not "Taste of Anywhere." If we want to help the local economy, we should be showcasing (and supporting!) locally-owned, locally-operated places, not the chains that send profits to some corporate headquarters far from Central New York. (Anyway, does anyone really need to be introduced to Arby's, Pizza Hut, and the like?)

Hi, Jill -- It did seem like there were fewer food vendors and more commercial vendors, like BathFitter, etc. We also felt the same way about the specialty beer and wine being too separate. Sounds like you had a good time, anyway!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

One other place that was new to me and awesome was Kalzonies. Great calzones (bacon chicken ranch!!) and everything was a buck!

Totally agree on Caribbean King and Arby's.

We were there Saturday afternoon and I was pleasantly surprised that we could move through the crowd easily. I wonder if the unpleasant massive crowd last year plus the talk of rain kept people away? And it also seemed like there were fewer food vendors.

Do wish that the specialty beer tent and wine tents were more centrally located.

Thanks, Linda... I agree.
Pat: Thanks for your comments. I'm not sure how to reach Kiki's but if you go to www.tasteofsyracuse.com and drop the fest planners an e-mail or give them a call I'm sure they can give you contact info.

I understand the chain restaurants place in the community, but I really think Taste of Syracuse should be focused totally on independent, locally owned restaurants.

Just a question - any idea how to contact Kiki's Greek specialties? I also considered their Koftedi sample with tzatziki one of the best tastes of the festival.

Margaret, you've asked (complained) the same question I was asking in my out-loud voice. No doubt about it, the line for Bonefish's bang bang shrimp (which is good, but...) was the longest line on Friday evening after the line for beer tickets. And there were hometown restaurants who've been at taste in the past and weren't there this year. I want to know why.

Thanks for stopping by, Patti! Nutella Crepes... I would've tried them as a sample, but not a full course. Kalzonies had run out of Cheesecake Calzones when I stopped by (early!) on Friday... sometimes I think things really DO happen for a reason. BTW, did you see this 9WSYR story on all the new restaurants in downtown Syracuse? Here's a link: http://bit.ly/aK0Jtr

We attended the Taste of Syracuse on Saturday and completely agree about the chain booths. Our favorites were:
1. Las Delicias and their variety of empanadas.
2. Kiki's Keftedes
3. Eva's Gulasz
4. Kalzonie's Cheesecake Calzone

I was really looking forward to the Nutella Crepes samples at the Asti booth, but they decided to replace the sample with antipasto. They had full sized Crepes for sale, but that would have filled me up and kept me from sampling more items. As it was, my stomach screamed "Uncle" before I did.

Exactly, Claire... thanks for reading, and for leaving a comment. I don't understand why someone would eat a slice from Pizza Hut over a slice from Twin Trees or Cam's, but I seem to be in the minority.

I'm with you on the chain restaurants, Margaret. National chains benefit from marketing done on the corporate level. It's difficult for a local restaurant to get its name out to the dining public. The only available path seems to be serving terrific food and hoping for word-of-mouth publicity. I know local people work at and sometimes own franchises of national chains and I wish them only the best. But if Taste of Syracuse loses its local flavor it will be just like the food court at any mall in the country.

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